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Introducing Neo Glitch!!!


Iwari while developing himself into the artist of the future seems to have come across a personal glitch. Neo Glitch his alter ego seems to be hijacking his first single of the year “Reparations” just in time for the end of black history month. Stay Tuned! Song Drops February 28 2018.

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Succeeders are Leaders!

On a recent trip to my main home town St. Louis, my mom was going through our storage and came across an old notebook of mine. The first page showed something i had written back at age nine about what it meant to be a good leader. My nine-year old self had some pretty good Ideas that I found value in reading and wanted to share. (typed out version below the image because my handwriting was so amazing)

leadership list age 9
Succeeders are Leaders by Iwari DeWees

Sept, 9, 1997

Succeeders are Leaders

Characteristics of a leader

  1. To be responsible.
  2. Shows respect.
  3. Believes in others.
  4. Stick to it and doesn’t give up.
  5. Follow the rules.
  6. Cooperative with the group.
  7. helps anyone in need.
  8. be polite and listen to what others have to say
  9. Be polite don’t fight
  10. be honest
  11. set good examples
  12. have a positive attitude
  13. Understand peoples problems
  14. don’t start stuff


-Iwari DeWees

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Ultimate 16 Bar Battle

(Update 2018: Comment if you want to bring this contest to your city!)Screen Shot 2016-07-09 at 10.46.10 AM

Rules To Enter:

The Preliminary Round

1. Each rapper must submit a video of the him/herself performing 16 bars on any subject over

any beat solo via

2. Post your entry and send a link to with the above information.

3. You must be 21 to enter.

4. The Post must be received by midnight July 20, 2016.

5. Each rapper who proceeds to the live show will receive notice and instructions for participation

not later than midnight July 21, 2016

The Battle

1. For the battle each rapper must create one 16 bar verses on the subject “Rebuilding St.

Louis”, which should take less than a minute to perform.

2. Verse must not contain any profanity. Profanity is an automatic disqualification.

3. Each rapper will rap over a section of the beat “Don’t Take the Plea” from IWARI’s the

R.E.A.L. CD.* (playing now)

4. Participant in the 16 Bar Battle must be at the venue, which is Blueberry Hill Duck Room, 6504

Delmar in the U-City Loop at 7 PM on Wednesday. Anyone arriving late will be disqualified

5. At 7:15 rappers will pull lots for their position in the battle

6. During the first round of the battle the odds will battle the events. One winner will survive each


7. During the second round one winner from each of the first rounds (using the number pulled)

will battle another winner from the first round with the winner of that battle advancing until

he/she has defeated all of the 2nd round rappers becoming the ultimate winner.

8. There will be one winner and one runner-up. Both will receive a cash prize.

9. The audience will pick the winner of each battle.

10. Cash Prizes are $100 and $50 respectively.

11. The Winner will perform a track of his choice in the legendary Blueberry Hills Duck Room.

12. Each rapper must buy a ticket to the event. We allow you to sell tickets at half price $10 to

encourage your followers to come and cheer for you.

NOTE:  All contestants will be chosen before the night of the event.

A DeWeezy Enterprises Production: (314) 369-8947

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BlueberryHillFlyer copythe real cover 5

 Tickets on Sale July 9, 2016 @

We’re making a more awesome destination for you.
Until it is complete connect with IWARI  at a spot listed below!










Snapchat: Smashed_King

You can also hear IWARI on Spotify, Pandora,,, and